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This isn’t my first attempt at blogging about the law. Over the years, I have started blogs enthusiastically, written a few, well-researched posts and promptly abandoned the blog when life happened. By life, I mean the art of balancing all activities I was involved in without dropping the ball on any. Well….. it is quite safe to say that in all instances, I did not quite ‘balance’ things as my blogs gradually suffered a slow, painful death each time.

You are probably wondering, “Why start a new blog then?”

The thing is, I hate giving up! Especially when I know its something I can achieve if I put my mind to it.

Please raise your glasses! 

Welcome to my new blog! I will be discussing anything and everything that interests me in Canadian Law. I do not consider myself a legal expert. As such, any opinions expressed here are strictly mine and should not be relied on as legal authority.

I appreciate criticisms and feedback from all readers so feel free to leave your comments.


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